Fans Are Strangely Happy About Drake & Rihanna's Rumored Split
Usually when two celebrities break up, there's a chorus of boos and mutterings that love is dead. See: Brangelina, Liev and Naomi, et al.That doesn't seem to be the case with Drake and Rihanna,...
View ArticleUpdate: Kesha & Dr. Luke Are Fighting Over Her Medical Records
Update: Dr. Luke's legal team has responded to Kesha's attempts to keep her medical records private.“Because Kesha made public accusations and in the case that she was allegedly harmed by Dr. Luke, the...
View ArticleConfidence-Boosting Tips From Your Favorite Plus Bloggers
Like many people, I've struggled severely with body image for more than half my life. I’ve detailed my journey from crushing self-doubt and internalized fat-phobia to the confident woman I am today in...
View ArticleWe're Making It Easy For You To Get Involved In Politics
Illustrated by: Elliot Salazar.Election Day lasts just one day — a 24-hour culmination of the seemingly never-ending campaign season.But we’ll spend the next two, four, six years living with the...
View ArticlePharmacy Protests The Wage Gap By Charging Men 7% More
Creativeye99/Getty ImagesWith the first female presidential nominee running against someone who was recorded talking about sexually assaulting women, gender has been an issue on many American minds....
View ArticleAly Raisman Turned An Olympic Meme Into A Sock Design
What has Aly Raisman been up to when she hasn't been slightly busy adding to her Olympic-medal count this year? Well, she's been designing socks, among other things, ICYMI. (Don't worry, we sort of...
View ArticleThis American Horror Story Character Could Be A Real Person
American Horror Story: Roanoke is already seeming like the string that ties all previous seasons of the show together. Now, a redditor has pinpointed a possible link between this season and reality.Lee...
View ArticleSoylent Is Making People "Violently Ill"
Soylent 's new snack bars are making people sick, and it's not because of how they look. In fact, both the manufacturer and the customers can't quite pinpoint what it is about these bars that have made...
View ArticleSamantha Bee Calls Out Republican Cowards Backing Trump
This election is a lot like a truly bad smell. It's horrifying, it poisons the air around us, but there's that one note of sweetness that keeps us sniffing. If a smell is just bad, you plug your nose...
View ArticleThis iPhone Hack Ends "Ducking" Forever
While your iPhone can track your steps and listen to voice commands, it's still not up to date on curse words. That's why, in the middle of ranting to your friends over iMessage, you're met with a lot...
View ArticleChanel's Red Wedding On Scream Queens, Episode 3 "Handidate"
Giph via Giphy.Scream Queens is not playing around tonight. I don't think there has been a bloodier episode in this season or the last. And it's not even Halloween yet!Let's dissect (pun intended) the...
View ArticleHere's When President Obama Thinks We'll Make It To Mars
Living in space is not just a fantasy anymore. It may actually be possible within our lifetimes — or at least Obama thinks so.In a CNN op-ed, the president thinks we'll be able to arrive on Mars by the...
View ArticleShailene Woodley Speaks Out After Pipeline Protest Arrest
Shailene Woodley didn't take long to post comment on her recent arrest while protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. The actress streamed the incident on Facebook, which reportedly happened while she...
View ArticleViral Post Says Bizarre Things About Illnesses To Make A Point
A post published in March 2015 on the Tumblr griffindoreo has been making its way around Facebook this week ever since author David G. McAfee shared it. It responds to a tweet by Daily Mail columnist...
View ArticleNow We Know Why There's A Question Mark In Ben & Lauren: Happily Ever After?
Even for two people who met on a reality show, Ben Higgins' and Lauren Bushnell's relationship had a rocky start. The Bachelor star told both Bushnell and fellow contestant JoJo Fletcher at the end of...
View ArticleAlaska Airlines Kicks Off Passenger For Catcalling Flight Attendant
Catcalling has become such an unfortunate part of women's everyday lives that the rare moments when it's rightfully stopped are just so delicious. It doesn't get much better than what happened on this...
View ArticleTwo Maps Illustrate The Deep Gender Divide Defining This Election
Rarely do you see a pair of images that perfectly illustrate the difference in the politics of men and women.This election is divided along a lot of lines and has featured some of the most shocking...
View ArticleClinton Campaign Hack Reveals Top Secret Risotto Recipe
The Clinton campaign hack has mainly given us insubstantial pleasures. Sure, Blink-182's Tom DeLonge emailing campaign chairman John Podesta about aliens is funny, but it's not practical knowledge....
View ArticlePowerful Video Shows What's Wrong With How We View Our Own Bodies
We often view and speak about ourselves far more critically than we would to other people, and a new video by The Scene called "Best Friends Get Brutally Honest About Their Bodies" proves that.In it,...
View ArticleKelly Clarkson & River Rose's "Push It" Dance Off Is Awesomely "Inappropriate"
Little River Rose Blackstock has Kelly Clarkson for a mother and Reba McEntire for a step-grandma. When all is said and done, though, she'd rather just listen to the greatest female rap group of all...
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