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Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Password-protect your data and back up those important files on the cloud. Yep, it's that time of year again. This Tuesday, August 30, messenger Mercury dips into his third of four retrogrades of 2016. Until September 22, signals could scramble with all things communication-related. Think twice before you fire off a heated email or a racy Snapchat. (And, erm, are you sending privately to a friend, or posting to your Story? Yikes!) Put a protective case on your mobile devices and triple-check that you're not leaving them on the seat of your Uber. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Mercury retrogrades are good for a few things — basically anything with the prefix "re." And since this one takes place in fussy, detail-oriented Virgo, use the next few weeks to research, review, and refine your plans and your work. You'll make everything stronger if you do.

On Thursday, eclipse season begins, a time of accelerated change and opportunity. A solar (new moon) eclipse in Virgo kicks things off this year, snapping us out of summer vacation mode and helping us get back down to business. Eclipses are like supercharged new moons, and this one could bring some exciting developments at the office. Momentum picks up on a stalled project, and hidden opportunities could pop up, seemingly out of the blue. Healthy living is the name of Virgo’s game, and this eclipse will kick-start a fall fitness plan. Hop off the poolside lounger and actually get in the water for some laps. Or, start training for a badass indoor sport, like roller derby. P.S. This is the first of two eclipses in September. Circle the 16th for the follow-up, which is a lunar (full moon) eclipse in creative, romantic Pisces.


August 23 to September 22

Set your Pandora to the R&B station. This Monday, amorous Venus cruises out of Virgo (sniff) but settles down in Libra and your slow-and-sensual second house. Until September 23, romance could be downright old-fashioned. Let go of the controls and allow yourself to be wooed. You don't have to be passive here. Just flirt a bit more demurely by dropping hints and attracting with your open, radiant vibes instead of outright pursuing. Attached? Spend more time in with bae: The magic happens behind closed doors.

On Tuesday, your ruling planet, expressive Mercury, slips into retrograde mode until September 22. And, alas, this time around, it's retreating through Virgo and your first house of self-expression. People will have a harder time understanding you now, so you might save any big reveals until this phase ends on the 22nd. Use the next few weeks to finesse your presentation and get all your plans up to code. Mercury retrogrades can be ultra-helpful with polishing projects to perfection — and also for getting in touch with YOUR feelings.

Not that you can hide out altogether, though. On Thursday, a solar eclipse in Virgo rocks the skies and pushes your talents into the spotlight. You’re back in the game — and thus must stay on your toes. Do everything deliberately. Or don’t do it at all, because this is a moment when you decide what’s really worth investing your time in. The annual new moon is your astrological New Year, a time to make resolutions that are all about you. Set your sights six months down the road: What would you like to accomplish by then? With this superpowered new moon giving you wings, you could soar higher than you ever expected by the Virgo full moon on March 12, 2017.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Magnetism, charm, and appeal: You've got that trifecta on lock because this Monday, your ruling planet, Venus, heads into Libra until September 23! The annual visit from Venus charges up your mojo and makes you sparkle and shine. You’ll have them before hello, so use these powers judiciously. Unless you want someone sticking around for the long haul — a friend, romantic interest, business contact — don’t turn it up to full volume. But if you see the potential for a long-term partnership, strike now while the iron is scorching!

Got any skeletons in the closet? Don't wait for other people to clean them out for you. This Tuesday, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in your 12th house of transitions, helping you clear your conscience once and for all. While you're at it, take inventory of the clothes and boxes in your closet, too. A cluttered home can make it hard to concentrate. Bag up the things you know you'll never wear and donate to a charity auction — or sell on eBay for fall wardrobe funds.

Thursday’s solar (new moon) eclipse in your 12th house of fantasy passes you the rose-colored glasses once again. The time has come to turn lemons into lemonade. If you’ve been feeling more like a victim than a champion, this eclipse could bring some empowering guides like coaches, mentors, and other helpful experts. The muse is in the house, so let creativity be your catharsis. Who knows? Six months from now, you could be hanging your art in a gallery or releasing an EP. Someone you adore could use a little more compassion and compromise. But it's also time to put up boundaries. Empower people with helpful tips, but don't take on the burden of their issues anymore!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Fairy tales do come true, Scorpio. On Monday, Venus drifts into Libra and your fantasy-fueled 12th house until September 23. For a change, you’ll rock the rose-colored glasses instead of honing in on people’s “flaws.” Keep a levelheaded wingwoman handy, though, because your judgment won’t be the clearest now. Run the background checks and make sure the feelings are mutual before you open your heart. If you’re in a relationship, this Venus phase sets the stage for dream dates AND difficult discussions. Don’t go into denial; just deal with them diplomatically.

Labor Day plans could include a superfun reunion this year. On Tuesday, social Mercury turns retrograde until September 23, bringing some happy blasts from the past. Get your old squad — or the band — back together. Take extra care with your digital devices, since this retrograde hits your 11th house of technology. Keep the iced coffee far away from your laptop and make sure you're hitting "reply" instead of "reply all" when sending those private (or snarky) messages.

Like Mercury, Thursday’s solar eclipse in Virgo also rocks your 11th house of community. While you love your tried-and-true crew, lift the red velvet ropes. This eclipse could illuminate a great new candidate for your entourage. You could also find an organization that speaks to your latest interests — even ones involving activism or a more "woo" pursuit like shamanic drumming or meditation. Got ideas for an app, website, maybe your own YouTube channel? The 11th house rules technology, and this eclipse helps you get your geek on. Learning a new digital skill could bump you to a better pay grade before the year is through.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Lighten up, Sagittarius! This Monday, charming, romantic Venus heads into Libra and your laid-back 11th house until September 23. Ruminating over the past won't get you anywhere — and you've spent enough of the summer laboring away at your desk. Bring some balance back to your life by enjoying fun for fun's sake again. Go meet your mutual friends for drinks, pool, karaoke…anything! If you’re looking for love, your social network provides. Ask your friends to play Cupid for you, arranging hangouts and inviting people who could potentially be a good match. Digital dating could yield a high, uh, click-through rate over the next few weeks, too. Swipe and ye shall find!

Not that you'll totally be able to get away from work, alas. On Tuesday, messenger Mercury turns retrograde in your 10th house of career. An assignment you thought was complete could suddenly need revising — or there could be a change of guard at the office. Give all assignments an extra coat of polish; even get a second pair of eyes to review. On a positive note, you could reconnect to an important client or colleague from the past. Maybe it's time for a sequel hit? Explore!

Another reason to keep the power suit at the ready? Thursday’s solar (new moon) eclipse in Virgo brings major momentum for your career. If a rep-boosting project or raise isn't just handed to you, no sweat. Pursue like the power player you are. Mogul status could be yours in the six months following this eclipse. Be patient with the R+D process, though, and pay any dues that are still outstanding. Influential men will lend an assist, or you could be tapped by an impressive company for a project or a job offer. Socialize strategically over the long weekend, because Labor Day could turn up a promising professional prospect.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Who says work can't feel like play, Capricorn? On Monday, glamorous, creative Venus parks in Libra and your 10th house of career until September 23. You'll get excited about work again and could even develop a special assignment that allows you to shine — and boost your status as an up-and-comer. Power-couple visions will start dancing through your head. What can you co-create with a partner? Whether for romance, business, or a creative collab, you’ll enjoy teaming up with people who bring solid skills and experience to the table. Socializing and networking can be an important part of the job, too. Plan to celebrate the long weekend in close proximity to the movers and shakers.

Don't forget that there's still one more week of summer hours. Order the rosé slushies, but go easy on the truth serum. On Tuesday, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in your honest-to-a-fault ninth house until September 22. Your candid comments might be uttered in the spirit of service, but…too soon? People will be ultrasensitive now, and you need to flex some diplomacy here. Make sure they are ready to hear your words of wisdom before you start offering unsolicited advice.

Thursday’s solar eclipse (new moon) in your jet-setting ninth house sparks your wanderlust. São Paulo, Cinque Terre, San Francisco? As the zodiac’s hardest-working sign, you’re slow to use those vacation days — at least if the travel isn't work-related. But you’ve finally hit your threshold and it’s time to go. Capitalize on low-season rates and add a new passport stamp. This eclipse could even reveal a friend from afar who is happy to host or apartment-swap. If you can’t hop a plane now, schedule the vacay for the coming six months and start planning and prepping now. And with Mercury retrograde, make sure to book everything through reputable firms and leave an hour earlier than usual for the airport. Entrepreneurial Capricorns — or those of you headed off to the ivory tower — will get a burst of momentum from the eclipse. Get plans under way for your empire, or look into schooling and training programs to help you go pro!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Wander + lust = wanderlust. And, Aquarius, this equation is just what the love doctor has on tap for you over the coming three weeks. On Monday, Venus slips into your worldly, adventurous ninth house until September 23. If you're traveling, Cupid will be your companion, setting the stage for some serious romantic sparks to fly. Pack a date-night outfit because you could be breaking dawn on the beach with a sexy local — or bonding with bae over the new passport stamps you collect. Sparks could fly with a cutie from a different culture, or even an expat who’s relocated to your town. Keep your ears perked for intriguing accents.

Got secrets? We suggest you start spilling them, Aquarius, before someone else puts their spin on the situation. From Tuesday until September 22, expressive Mercury will be retrograde in your esoteric eighth house. Certain private matters should stay locked in the vault. Make sure your personal documents are password-protected — and delete any messages or posts that could potentially come back to haunt you.

On Thursday, a solar (new moon) eclipse also strikes in your eighth house — another reminder to put a firm privacy policy back in place. This eclipse helps you deepen a few key relationships. You might even get engaged or exchange keys with your S.O. Don’t move ahead without a solid exclusivity clause, though. For a change, it’s YOU who wants clarity about where you stand with people. With Mercury retrograde, you could get a second chance with "the one who got away." Just don't invite a toxic ex back into your life. Do you really need to learn that lesson again? If you've been heading for Splitsville, the eclipse could push you over the edge, giving you the courage to fly free from an unsatisfying alliance. Or you could meet someone who has “soul mate” written all over them. Let the relationship develop organically over the next six months.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Entering #MinxMode. This Monday, Venus shimmies into Libra and your seductive eighth house until September 23. Your enchanting allure will draw admirers — and the mysterious types will captivate you in return. Depth, character, and a poetic soul: That's what turns you on, but make sure anyone you entertain as an option has long-term potential, too. With Venus here, you're playing for keeps, so lust and trust have got to be a package deal!

On Tuesday, compromising and cooperating could feel like farfetched ideas as Mercury turns retrograde in your relationship house until September 23. Take a deep breath and remember: You're on the same team! If you've been giving more than you're comfortable with, it's time to even out the score. But careful about pointing fingers. You participated in this dynamic, too, Pisces, and it could take a few weeks to get everything back to a state of equilibrium. An old flame could return, begging for your love and attention. Unless it was merely bad timing that kept you apart, it's probably best to keep that chapter closed.

Thankfully, Thursday’s solar (new moon) eclipse will bring positive news for partnerships. You could meet someone with "happily ever after" potential — or even discover that those feelings are brewing with someone you've known for a while. Opposites attract, so don’t rule out anyone just because they’re not your usual type; in fact, this eclipse could bring a surprising attraction to someone who falls WAY outside your prior parameters. Existing relationships could level up, both for business and romance. You need certainty — and in some cases, a formal contract — in order to relax and explore the full potential of your pairing. Have “the talk” this weekend, but don't dump all your insecurities into the conversation. Instead, paint a beautiful picture of what the two of you can create together. Who could possibly say no to that?!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Double up, Aries: This Monday, Venus floats into Libra and your seventh house of relationships, getting you in a couple-y headspace until September 23 (and beyond). Two-person ventures take off at a faster clip, for both business and pleasure. Bring more creativity and playful energy into your existing pairings. Co-host a Labor Day bash or get to work on a DIY or art project together. Some Aries might even put a ring on it over the next four weeks! Single? Remember this: You’ll catch more flies with honey than you will with sarcastic wit.

Keep your competitive urges in check at work and at the gym. On

Tuesday, Mercury slips into a signal-scrambling retrograde until September 22. Your desire to win could alienate important colleagues if you aren't careful; and it's all too easy to overstretch a muscle by trying to be the Spin-class superstar. With a little extra finesse — and a longer warm-up and stretch period — you will still rise to the top. And you'll get some help with that on Thursday, thanks to a solar eclipse in Virgo and your sixth house of savvy routines. Life-hack away using apps and even outsourcing to make your workflow more efficient. Clear out the junk drawers (or just abolish the whole concept of them) and purge your fridge of junk food. A health kick is on the agenda, too, so nab a ClassPass and try out some new studios. News about a job offer could arrive within two weeks of Thursday, or an exciting project could land in your lap. Though you may feel a little out of your league, the eclipse will lay down a challenge worth taking on!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Newsflash, Taurus: Bottomless margaritas, curly fries, and otter pops are not actually food groups. This Monday, Venus decamps to Libra and your sixth house of healthy living, helping you find joy in all things clean and green. True radiance starts from within. Flip the lights on brighter by eating healthier food, drinking tons of water, and getting ample sleep. Moving your body will also feel great. No need to blow a paycheck for a fancy gym. Try these chair exercises for a little ballet barre class at home.

Romantically, Cupid could bring some solid slings and a few misfires. On Tuesday, expressive Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, your fifth house of amour until September 22, which could stir up some drama in the love department. An old flame could come back into the picture, but proceed with caution there, as Mercury's backspins are known for concealing important information. Buried issues will need to be discussed, but don't go there when you're seeing red, or you could burn bridges with bae.

Thursday brings the sparkle back though. A solar (new moon) eclipse, also in Virgo, will bring positive developments for your love life. Single Bulls could sync up with a promising prospect — and things could heat up FAST! Already attached? This eclipse could swiftly accelerate your connection to its next logical level — which might even include a proposal or a pregnancy. Ready to make your mark on the world? Make it easy for people to “discover” you, even if that comes with some shameless self-promotion. Almost famous won’t be good enough now. Over the coming six months, you could hit superstar status!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

#Fire! Summer temperatures may soon be cooling, but you, Gemini, are just heating up. This Monday, amorous Venus moves into Libra and your passionate, PDA-fueled fifth house. Couple selfies? Keep 'em coming. If you're in love, you'll want the world to know it. Single Gems should mingle on the regular. Odds of meeting your fun-loving match are high while Venus lingers here until September 22! Socially, it's time to kick up your statement heels, because this glamorous three-week cycle could earn you a coronation ceremony as Queen of the Scene.

Matters on the home front might not be quite so dreamy, alas. From Tuesday until September 22, communication planet Mercury will be retrograde in your domestic zone. You could find yourself feuding with relatives and roomies — which might even tempt you to rent the U-Haul and bounce! Don't be rash, though, Gem. Decisions made in haste are always regrettable during Mercury's backspins.

But if it is indeed time to change your residential plan, get ready! Changes could happen very quickly thanks to Thursday's solar (new moon) eclipse, which is also in Virgo and your domestic sector. With the burst of momentum from this eclipse, you could totally revamp your apartment, changing the color and décor scheme in record time. (But think about starting with a Pinterest board and swatches until Mercury turns direct on September 22.) If you’ve been unhappy with your home base, this is your prompt to finally do something about it. Eclipses reveal hidden opportunities, and a dream listing could pop up while you’re sipping your morning espresso. P.S.: This could even involve a cross-country move. A woman you’d consider “a force of nature” could enter your world on the wings of the eclipse. Let her in: She’ll be a powerful door-opener for you over the coming six months.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Does your house feel like a home — or better yet, a relaxing oasis? On Monday, beautifying Venus drifts into Libra until September 23, inspiring you to zhush your quarters. Cozy up with your inner circle and start pinning headboards, recipes, and throw-pillow schemes. Since social Venus loves to entertain, consider hosting a Labor Day jam chez Cancer — and even DJ-ing it yourself.

An old friend could come back into your sphere this week, too. On Tuesday, Mercury turns retrograde until September 22, taking you on a reunion tour. Choose your words with care, though. Since this Mercury backspin takes place in your communication sector, it's kind of a double whammy. Save any fiery sentiments to your Drafts folder. And no drunk — or drunk in love — texting! The only time to broach a conflict now is when you're in a calm, cool space.

And while you cherish your pals from back in the day (and don’t exactly trust people overnight), you'll also meet some new kindred spirits this week. On Thursday, your social-butterfly wings start fluttering at a faster BPM when a solar (new moon) eclipse in your playful third house launches you out of your cocoon and into a new scene. Explore new extracurriculars, like evening classes or sports leagues. The local scene will serve up some good times: Consider collaborating with a neighborhood bar or coffee shop to host an event this September.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Laughter is the best medicine this week, Leo. And with social Venus heading into your flirty, fun-loving third house from Monday until September 23, you are more than ready to lighten things up! You’ll see the divine comedy in a situation that seemed like a huge deal in August. That doesn’t mean you should sweep it all under the rug. But diplomatic Venus will help you clear up any conflicts in your social and romantic life — and with love. Single? Warm up those swiping fingers. Enjoying Cupid's "sampler platter" helps you expand your palate in love. Date around, because a new type could surprise you this week.

Is money burning a hole in your pocket? Alas, you can’t blame your tattered denim any longer, Leo. On Tuesday, you'll need to tighten up your budget, because messenger Mercury slips into retrograde in your finance zone until September 22. Put yourself on a temporary austerity plan. You'll be amazed by how creative and resourceful you can get when you are operating on a limited budget. Communications with coworkers could get a little snarly, too, so keep your fiery nature in check!

Thursday’s solar (new moon) eclipse (also in Virgo and your second house of finances) could bring some relief. Focus on your earnings, because a job offer or reputation-boosting assignment could land in your lap. Is there a gap in your skill set? Invest in training that will bump up your salary significantly over the coming six months. Remember: It doesn’t take a fortune to look like a million bucks. Polish up your image a bit: You could host a clothing swap or hit Buffalo Exchange.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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Your Horoscope This Week

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