The only thing more fun than watching Game of Thrones is debating Game of Thrones. The world laid out by George R.R. Martin is so rich and so deeply historical that it cries out for fan theories. These theories become more and more complicated and important as the more magical aspects of the show come to the fore.
True, the mysteries of Game of Thrones don't feel as spiritual as, say, Lost. But they're perhaps even more spectacular. It's the only show on television that combines elements of high fantasy with cloak-and-dagger intrigue. And it does so in a way that invites speculation about everything from the possible royal heritage of bastards to the ramifications of a global warming event.
The point is that the show is big and the theories around it are even bigger. We've collected some of the most important fan theories here, so you can fully immerse yourself in the world of Westeros.
Read on for everything we've uncovered. Ahead, there be dragons (and massive spoilers).

R + L = J posits that Jon Snow would be more properly named Jon Targaryen. The basis of the theory is that Ned's sister, Lyanna, was raped and imprisoned by Rhaegar Targaryen at the Tower of Joy. While it's no secret that her plight kicked off Robert's Rebellion, the conflict that put Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne, Jon Snow's parentage could have massive implications for Westeros. Perhaps most critically: Jon Snow could be riding a dragon. Yeah.
courtesy of HBO
A+J=T holds that Tyrion is secretly a Targaryen. We got tipped off that this might be true after Tyrion's no-fear dragon performance, but there's a ton of other evidence to support his alternative parentage. We recall his fascination with fire, his obsession with dragons, and his mother's death during childbirth after rampant speculation that she may have had an affair with a Targaryen. That gives him something in common with both Dany and (possibly) Jon Snow.
Macall B. Polay/courtesy of HBO
This theory holds that Hodor has the ability to warg, but that he's forgotten his humanity after going too deep into an animal's mind. It's a theory that could have potentially huge ramifications for Bran's mental health as he goes deeper and deeper into his family's history. While it's perhaps a little complex to explain how a former stablehand became a gentle one-word-only giant, it's an interesting view into the potential dangers to the Stark child.
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Melisandre's sudden transformation into a much older woman spurred this theory that certain characters could see her for what she was. When Selyse sees Melisandre in the bath without her necklace in season four, she reacts extremely negatively. While our initial thought was that Selyse was just uncomfortable seeing a naked woman, it's posited that what she actually saw was the Red Woman in her true form.
Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO
This theory is super complicated but, after Myrcella's death, the succession plan to the Iron Throne is somewhat less than clear. While typically the throne would fall to Jamie or Tyrion as the next-born Lannister men, Jamie is ineligible as the head of the Kingsguard and Tyrion is persona non grata. By dint of a long and torturous line of succession, Cersei is actually next in line to take the throne. How ironic that her ultimate goal would come about with the ultimate price: The death of her third child.
Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO
This fan theory asks the question: What if the wall melted? While the actual flooding wouldn't be crippling, the geography and climate of Westeros would change completely. Oh, and there's the small matter of the giant army of zombies commanded by the Night King.
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